Diabetes and Foot Care: Tips to Keep Your Feet Healthy Test Strips And More

Diabetes and Foot Care: Tips to Keep Your Feet Healthy

If you have diabetes, it’s important to take care of your feet. Diabetic foot issues can lead to serious health problems, including amputation. In this blog post, we will discuss tips for keeping your feet healthy and free from problems. Follow these tips and you’ll be on your way to keeping your feet happy and healthy!

Diabetes Foot Care

Nerve Damage

Neuropathy is a condition caused by diabetes in which you lose feeling in your nerves. This means that you may not notice a foot injury until the skin breaks down and becomes infected. Changes in the form of your feet and toes are possible as a result of neuropathy. If your foot doesn’t fit in regular shoes, talk to your doctor about specialized therapeutic shoes or inserts.

It’s recommended that instead of going barefoot (even in your own home), you wear shoes (or slippers) and wear socks to give your feet extra protection and prevent foot complications.

Poor Circulation

When your foot has poor circulation (blood flow), it becomes less capable of fighting infection and healing. The blood vessels in the feet and legs become narrow and hardened as a result of diabetes. Compression socks apply a light amount of pressure to the feet and legs. As a result, compression socks can help improve blood circulation and reduce swelling.

Skin Changes

Diabetes can have a negative influence on the skin of your foot. At times, your feet might become extremely dry and the skin may even peel and crack. This is just one of many uncomfortable foot problems that can stem from complications of diabetes and managing blood sugar. These skin changes are caused by nerve damage which consequently affects your body’s ability to control the oil and moisture in your foot.

Use a daily moisturizer to keep the feet healthy and looking great. Look for specialty products specifically formulated for people with diabetes.


Because of the high risk of developing calluses, diabetics are more likely to suffer from them. If you have too many calluses, you may be advised to wear therapeutic shoes and inserts to avoid additional foot complications. If you don’t trim them, calluses get thick and infected (open sores) develop. You can prevent calluses by using a pumice stone to file them down in the shower.

It’s critical not to use over-the-counter callus removers because they include acids that can aggravate a diabetic foot.

Foot Ulcers

The most common location for foot ulcers is the ball of the foot or the bottom of the big toe. Ulcers on the sides of the foot are usually due to poorly fitting shoes. Even though some ulcers may not hurt, every ulcer should be seen by a foot doctor as soon as possible. Neglecting ulcers can result in infections, which can lead to additional foot problems.

Although it may sound excessive, consider the use of braces or crutches if you have a foot ulcer. This will reduce pressure and irritation, protect your feet, and promote healing so you can get back to healthy feet.

Limb Loss

People who have diabetes are far more likely to experience foot- or leg-related limb loss. It’s critical to keep track of your feet in order to know how to prevent or treat foot issues. Most serious foot complications are preventable by checking your feet daily, regular care and visits with your doctor, and proper footwear.

Keep Your Feet Healthy

Every day, examine your feet for blisters, cracks, and other indications of harm. Keep a diary of the changes in your feet and contact your doctor if conditions worsen.

Avoid Foot Complications

You can take preventative measures to help keep your feet healthy.

Keep your blood glucose level under control. This is the most important thing that you can do to avoid foot complications. Keeping your diabetes in check will allow you to feel better and reduce the risk of other complications such as high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney failure, or stroke.

Examine your feet daily for sores, calluses, blisters, redness or tender areas. If it’s hard for you to reach them on a regular basis (or if they are difficult for you to see), ask someone else to look at them with a mirror (as well as using their hands).

We hope these tips help you prevent foot issues. Foot health is critical, and it’s important to take care of your feet by keeping them clean and healthy!

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